At St. Rose of Lima, we are honored that you have chosen to have your child baptized here with us and in allowing us to help them start their journey of faith. Through Baptism, your child will be incorporated into the Church, in union with the Body of Christ.
Thank you for being a good and responsible Catholic parent who cares about these important events in the spiritual life of your child. Passing on the Church’s faith in the love of God and the values taught to us by Jesus Christ are among the most important things you can do as a parent to help your child develop into a healthy adult and to become the person that God has created your child to be.
Because a sacrament is a special encounter with God, meant to strengthen our life of discipleship, the Church needs to prepare the person celebrating the sacrament to be properly disposed to experience it. In the case of baptism of a child, we need to make sure that the child’s parents/grandparents and godparents fully understand the significance of the sacrament and their duties to help the child grow into a serious Christian who actively practices the faith of the Church. The parish pastor and his colleagues in ministry must ensure this preparation.
Infant baptisms are for children up to six years of age. Children that have already celebrated their seventh birthday are invited to prepare for their Sacrament of Baptism through our RCIC program (Rite of Christian Initiation for Children).
If you are an unbaptized adult, we invite you to contact Dcn. Bill Wison, and ask about our RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) program.
1. Fill out the baptism request form below.
2. Once the baptism request form is completed you will be contacted by our Deacon.
3. If needed you will be scheduled for a baptismal class.
4. Select godparents and send all required documents to Deacon.
5. Schedule the date of the baptism. Baptisms are usually scheduled on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month*.
*Subject to church availability.