Registration is CLOSED for 2024-2025 for both GROW and First Sacraments.
Parish support for helping to raise your family in the faith.
Families with children in grades k - 5 will receive catechesis in our GROW program twice a month on Sunday mornings. Sessions will be approximately 1 hour and will take place in between our 8 AM and 10:30 AM Masses. Families should arrive for check in and gathering between 8:45-9:00 in Dominican Hall. Refreshments will be provided.
This program will provide training support and resources for families to help educate their children in the Catholic faith, to grow in their discipleship to love and serve the Lord. Our program will incorporate the following:
***1st Communion and 1st Penance candidates are expected to either participate in two years of GROW or be attending Saint Rose of Lima School. They will also have 4 direct prep classes in year two. Families of the school are strongly encouraged to participate in GROW but are not required to do so.
If you have questions, concerns, or are looking for more information, please contact Betsy at