United in God's love, we are a visible sign of the body of Christ and together we do great things. Nourished by prayer and the sacraments, the members of our parish family journey on the path of discipleship and grow in relationship with Jesus Christ daily.
Families in our parish
6 50 47 30
Marriages Baptisms First holy Confirmations
80 301 120 4
Funerals Children in Children in RCIA
our school catechesis candidates
Everything we have is a gift from God. As we strive to love one another, good stewardship plays a key role. Stewardship consists of receiving God's gifts with gratitude and sharing them in love and justice to further the mission of our Lord.
Masses celebrated in our church each year
340 110 27
Hours spent Parishioners Ministers of
in eucharistic serving in liturgical hospitality
adoration ministries welcoming
23 34 350
Lectors Serve at the Attended spiritual
proclaiming the altar workshops in
Word 2022-23
We know the importance of bringing the love of God to our neighbors. Through our many ministries and our social and service-oriented outreach programs, we put into action the words of St. John the Apostle: "If God so loved us, we also must love one another" (1 Jn 4: 11).
Contributed to special collections
40 500 1,200 12
Volunteers Communion Pounds of Youth from
maintaining visits to the food collected. the parish
our parish homebound and for our food participated in
hospitals pantry Steubenville
Youth Conference
We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help.