School Nurse
Mrs. Kondakoff RN |
Phone number: 315-458-6036
Fax: 315-458-6038
The nurse's office has many functions such as:
Medication: All medications, including over the counter (i.e. cough drops, Tylenol, Motrin) need a doctor’s order, parental permission and must be brought to the nurse by a parent/guardian. Medication can NOT be brought in by the student.
Please send in any updated health information, for example, physical and dental exams, immunizations records, physical education limits or notes. By providing this information you will be helping us keep your child’s health record up to date. As always please call with any questions/concerns.
Illness During School
The school nurse will call you to pick up your child if they become ill at school. Please keep your contact numbers updated.
Illness & Absence from School
Call the school in the morning if your child will be absent that day.
Send in a note when your child returns to school if you did not call in.
If your child has a fever (100 or greater), they must stay home until the fever has been gone 24 hours (without fever reducer/Tylenol/Motrin).
If a child wakes up or is sent home from school with vomiting or diarrhea they should not return to school the next day. The symptoms must be resolved for 24 hours and the child is able to keep down food and liquid.
If your child misses more than two days of school in succession, a doctor’s note must be sent in giving the ok to return following illness. If your child misses more than 20% of school at any time, a subsequent doctor’s note must follow. This is to ensure a healthy atmosphere for all students.
Are required for all new students. You must obtain a copy from your pediatrician. All physicals must have been done within the last year.
The NYS Education law requires that students in Pre-K and K, 1st, 3rd and 5th grades (as of 7/2018) receive a physical. Send in a copy to the nurse once this has been completed.
Dental Health Certificate: This is not required however, recommended. Send in when completed.
Each student is required to be up to date on immunizations prior to start of school. If your child is not and/or you do not wish to have immunization, parent/guardian must provide documentation of exempt or in process to receive immunizations.
Physical Education
The health office does not excuse students from gym without a doctor directive to do so. If you feel your son/daughter is unable to participate, feel free to send a note. We will address your concerns on an individual basis.
Food Allergies
Please update your child’s record in regards to food allergies at anytime. If your child should develop a food intolerance or allergy it is very important we are aware. Please help us keep this data current. Medication should be available for treatment.
The Tdap vaccine is required for school entry and attendance. Please be sure your child receives this vaccine prior to the start of 6th grade.
Please click HERE to view COVID guidelines